Alexander Espigares and Laurent Witz after winning the category Best Animated Short Film for work on “Mr. Hublot”
Alexander Espigares and Laurent Witz after winning the category Best Animated Short Film for work on “Mr. Hublot”

Article by Jackie Powell, Red Carpet Report Host
Follow Jackie on Twitter at @JackieEPow

“Mr.Hublot” has won the award for Best Anminated short film. Animation is a way of telling a story through a series of pictures brought to life from someones imagination. Laurent Witz and Alexandre Espigares came together and their two imaginations poured out into their film “Mr.Hublot.”  The two accepted their Academy Award Sunday beating out Disney’s favorite “Get a Horse.”

The film tells the story of Mr. Hublot who is part man part robot with a withdrawn and idiosyncratic personality.  The OCD character is scared of change and the outside world which is made up of mechanical parts. His world is turned upside down when a very invasive robot pet moves in with him.

When we asked Witz what the most challenging part of production was he told us the whole thing was challenging. Here’s more of our interview with them at the Academy’s Shorts event before the 86th Academy Awards.

“We had to build the entire world of Mr. Hublot in 3d as well. It was just amazing to create this movie in 3d with so much detail and to keep the poetry in the movie.”

When we asked them if they had any real life Mr. Hublots as friends Espigares jokingly suggested that Mr.Hublot character was similar to Witz’s personality.

“After a while I got to know him; I think theirs a little of him in the main character.”

The two are excited about their Academy Award and they said creating visual film and making other films possible is what’s in store for them next.

 Alexander Espigares and Laurent Witz after winning the category Best Animated Short Film for work on “Mr. Hublot”
Alexander Espigares and Laurent Witz after winning the category Best Animated Short Film for work on “Mr. Hublot”

Photo Credit Todd Wawrychuk / ©A.M.P.A.S.