Jon Bernthal Cast as Punisher
Jon Bernthal Cast as Punisher

Update by RCR Entertainment Correspondent, Eddie Villavueva follow him on TwitterFacebook, & Instagram @anticfire

Everyone remembers crazy ole’ Shane from The Walking Dead, right? Well, looks like we are going to get a second dose of chaos and unpredictability as Marvel reveals a gold nugget in the next season of one of Netflix’s best shows this year so far, Daredevil. Jon Bernthal, who has starred in films such as “Wolf of Wall Street” and “Fury”, is going to throw his hat in to the Marvel ring, and will portray Frank Castle, otherwise known as The Punisher.

Frank Castle, a cop-turned-vigilante, driven by the death of his wife and two kids, employs murder, kidnapping, extortion, coercion, the whole nine yards, to accomplish his mission: to rid the world of scum. Going by the moniker of The Punisher, he has been previously portrayed in film by the likes of Ray Stevenson (2008’s Punisher: Warzone), Thomas Jane (2004’s The Punisher), and even the forgettable Dolph Lundgren (1989’s The Punisher).

“Jon Bernthal brings an unmatched intensity to every role he takes on, with a potent blend of power, motivation and vulnerability that will connect with audiences,” said Jeph Loeb, Marvel’s Head of Television. “Castle’s appearance will bring dramatic changes to the world of Matt Murdock and nothing will be the same.”

Knowing the mythos and character that many have been waiting to see revived on the silver screen since Thomas Jane (Warzone was incredibly bad, and thankfully forgotten), I’m anxious to see what this will do to the direction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Seeing how incredible of a job they did with the last season of Daredevil, and the depths Marvel is willing to go to show the true grittiness that can be found in the stories of Daredevil and the rest of the Marvel Knights, The Punisher, I believe, is in good hands. Bernthal gave us glimpses of his explosive acting skills in previous films and shows, and what this character definitely needs is intensity and explosiveness. Matt Murdock will have his hands full with this blood thirsty vigilante, and knowing this, it will make for insane TV coming our way next year.

Still of Jon Bernthal in The Walking Dead (2010) Courtesy AMC Network