Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on December 18th

Less than 24 hours and 12,975,576 views of the new Star Wars Trailer on YouTube… and broken hopes and dreams for buying tickets last night when ticketing websites started selling them says this is gonna be big!

Fan Reaction by Amy Long, Red Carpet Report Entertainment Reporter follow her on Twitter @AmyLong1717

More than 540k tweets about ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ and it’s only been 2 hours. Twitter is going wild over the final trailer that debut during the ESPN Monday Night Football program, setting the films first record of getting the most Star Wars fans ever to watch good, ‘ol, sweaty, American football at one time. Okay, that’s not confirmed. And I’m totally included in that independent survey. Many fans feverishly punched in their credit card number locking in their seats to the main event and took to twitter to gloat while others complained about the online ticket sale site crashing. Sorry guys, early bird gets the worm.

The trailer was AWESOME! Visually it stayed true Episodes 4,5,6 , the first ones released. Those three are the heart of the operation. Very wise to do that, it was (end Yoda voice).

The brilliant editors used the ‘less is more’ mentality giving snip-bits that had some huge reveals but did not give too much away. We saw the Sith’s mask and hear his voice. We also get back stories for new characters; John Boyega’s Finn, a curious storm trooper, and a very beautiful Dasiy Ridley exploring an old ship. In the 5 seconds that I saw Hans Solo it appears Harrison Ford’s still got it! The force is definitely with him.

Before I write this, just know R2D2 will always have my heart, but they did introduce a brand new Droid that looked pretty awesome. A sphere with a computer dome head.

Eagles and giants who? … Just kidding, they are a big reason I won my Fantasy Football game. Double win!

What did you think of the trailer – we’ve posted it below… just incase you missed it…

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, comes to theaters December 18, 2015

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