After wasting much of my youth peddling cables at a popular electronics store chain, I’m always wary of how much of a difference mid to high-end accessories such as cables and surge protectors make. Many companies simply believe coating something in gold plating is enough to justify high prices without actually making a negligible difference. The Marseille mCable series Gaming Edition HDMI definitely delivers on tangible value.

The Marseille mCable series Gaming Edition HDMI definitely delivers on tangible value.

I could go over technical on it’s selling points:

  • Performs Contextual Ant-Aliasing (CxAA)
    Eliminates jagged edges and shimmering texture without creating blurring artifacts
  • Improves image depth, contrast & color rendering Analyzes every single pixel and adjusts it for the optimal image.
  • Upconverts to HD or 4K game content
    Up-scales na*ve rendered resolu*on up to Super HD @ 120 FPS or 4K 4:2:0 @ 60 FPS
  • Operates advanced graphics processing with incredibly low lag *me. Processes all the enhanced content features in less than 1 millisecond per frame, with speed up to 120 FPS

Instead, we’ll just break it down for the general consumers who simply want to see why this cable matters. First, we switched our standard HDMI cable connecting a regular PlayStation 4 system to a standard 60Hz 1080p television with the Gaming Edition HDMI cable. Immediately, you’ll see this cable will take up a bit more room behind your television. The end of the cable that connects to a television and has a built-in microprocessor and a separate USB connector that also needs to plug into the TV. This processor does a noticeable amount of work, even on a standard television.

You’ll notice a much more robust handling of certain colors, dark tones don’t look as crushed as they did plug in through a regular HDMI cable.

The biggest differences consumers will notice is when you use high-end equipment. When I connected the mCable from my PS4 Pro to a 4K TV, the biggest contributions became apparent. If you’re a tech nut, you know both the Xbox One and PS4 Pro don’t do the native 4k resolution, instead, you can detect checkboard upscaling on your screen. The mCable helped smooth more of that boarding out making a noticeable difference in how smooth the frame rate presented.

The biggest drawbacks for the cable itself is its thickness and bulk size. Both necessary factors in its production quality but in 2018, cabling should be as sleek as we all strive our home entertainment centers to look. If you use thin cable covering to keep your units neat, they may not allow you to simply replace your existing HDMI with the mCable. Another problem I encountered was TV’s with exclusively rear connections mounted razor close to walls could not be plugged in. The connector is nearly twice as elongated as a regular HDMI, again it’s necessary for the production but something worth finding a solution for in future iterations.

Is the cable worth the over $100 price tag it currently retails for? If you’re still on a 1080p TV with standard gaming hardware, the differences may not be worth spending the cost of another two games. However, if you’ve become an adopter of 4k technology and upgraded gaming or PC hardware the Marsellie mCable Gaming Edition is quite necessary. Its tech pushes the full color, vibrancy, and smooth frame rate your hardware works to put out.

You can find out more about Marsellie and its full line of accessories here.