The Purge

The ultimate holiday is back for its second season on USA network. Season one of The Purge followed a close formula to its film counterparts by chronicling the lives of a few people during the barbaric made up thing where murder in the U.S is legal for 12hrs. Its season two premiere goes down a new path by telling you what happens the other 364 days out of the year.

Not only that but we get answers to burning Purge questions. Who’s airport loading zone voice is that “announcing the commencement of the annual Purge”? You’re in for a quick but satisfying cold opening answer. There are more serious questions we find out answers to early on through this new group of characters the audience is introduced to.

Ryan Grant

THE PURGE — “This Is Not A Test” Episode 201 — Pictured: Max Martini as Ryan Grant — (Photo by: Alfonso Bresciani/USA Network)

A former cop who alongside other cops do the thing that I’d much rather do than waste time creating elaborately costumed murder scenarios, they go after the money. In the world of The Purge, ALL crime is legal. Outside of a few ATMs being knocked off we haven’t seen much more than larceny outside of murder. Ryan and his crew are one day a year bank robbers in the middle of a heist. Nothing is ever cut-and-dry here as you’ll also get to meet land pirates. Ryan has the most emotional weight between being the rock for the other cops on his crew and a caretaker to his own family. There’s interesting symmetry in all the crimes going on in this sequence but every piece answers other Purge questions we have. If you’re trapped in private property are you trespassing? What do cops do on Purge night? If a crime happens right at the horn who is the Purge referee making the call?

Esme Carmona

THE PURGE — “This Is Not A Test” Episode 201 — Pictured: (l-r) Connor Trinneer as Curtis, Paola Nuñez as Esme Carmona — (Photo by: Alfonso Bresciani/USA Network)

Meet Purge referee, Esme. There’s an actual official government name for her job but I like the idea that she wears a Foot Locker jersey and blows a whistle while she watches people bash each other’s skulls in. Like all referees, you might end up hating her. Esme’s journey will see the stress people in her position go through on this night. At the core of her character is unraveling a Purge conspiracy fans of the films will already know about. The show keeps a lot of the mystery for those who have only seen the television series.

Marcus and Michelle Moore

THE PURGE — “This Is Not A Test” Episode 201 — Pictured: Derek Luke as Marcus — (Photo by: Alfonso Bresciani/USA Network)

This married couple has one of the most “oh shit” Purge situations of any characters from film or TV. Last year, we were introduced to the idea of Purge night hitmen taking money for high-end assassinations. Well, thanks to Marcus we get to see what it’s like to live an entire year knowing someone wants you dead but not knowing who. My money was on second wife Michelle but this show throws its curveballs like it is their primary pitch. For Marcus counting down to the next Purge is a timer on his next attempted execution, everything about his actions gives off a tense feeling this show didn’t convey in season one.


THE PURGE — “This Is Not A Test” Episode 201 — Pictured: (l-r) Joel Allen as Ben, Matt Shively as Turner — (Photo by: Alfonso Bresciani/USA Network)

A fratboy college student immediately paints the picture in your mind of something unlikeable. In the season premiere’s Purge night, Ben is the stupid character you hope gets killed in horror movies. Over the course of the night, he becomes the most sympathetic character of the season. Left for dead by his friend and nearly cornholed, Ben begins his metamorphosis into hardened survivor once the night is done. His journey through the upcoming years shows the audience just what the mental scars are for those who evade death’s crosshairs. He’s going down a dark path where he will become Juaquin Pheonix.

The Purge - Season 2
THE PURGE — “This Is Not A Test” Episode 201 — Pictured: Purgers — (Photo by: Alfonso Bresciani/USA Network)

Those are your main players for season one. In an episode that’s premise is served up, The Purge manages to set up its entire season with gripping hook after hook. I am here for season two. USA answer my Purge questions with every cold opening. Like is anyone brave enough to deliver pizza during The Purge?

The Purge on USA Network airs Tuesdays, check your local listings