
In what was one of her last engagements as a working royal, the Duchess of Sussex marked International Women’s Day by paying a surprise visit to an east London school where she spoke to students about the importance of women’s empowerment, gender equality and social justice –  issues for which she has always been a strong advocate .

“When we thought about what we wanted to do for International Women’s Day this year, for me it was incredibly important to be with the women of our future; and that is all of you young women here, as well as the young men who play a very large part in this,” Meghan told the students of Robert Clack Upper School.

In her heartfelt speech, Meghan encouraged the 700 students in attendance to use their voices to speak out against injustice. “No matter how small you might feel, how low you may feel on the ladder or the totem pole, no matter what color you are, no matter what gender you are—you have a voice, and you certainly have the right to speak up for what is right.”

Meghan continued, “What’s really key for all of you to remember, is especially looking at the people who paved the way for you to get to this point in your lives to be able to have the access that you do—it’s not just an opportunity to continue that, it’s a responsibility. I encourage and empower each of you to really stand in your truth, to stand for what is right—to continue to respect each other.”

The special assembly was held to honor the achievements of the female sewing machinists from Dagenham’s Ford Motor Plant who held a strike for equal pay in 1968 which ultimately led to the passing of the UK’s Equal Pay Act in 1970. Meghan chose the Dagenham location because of its landmark strike which paved the way for future generations of female workers in Britain. The movement is fitting with the #EachforEqual campaign theme of this year’s International Women’s Day.

The Duchess opened her speech by speaking about the school location’s notable history.  “Specifically coming to your school made a lot of sense for me because of this social justice and the impact that it’s rooted in.”

Some of the female workers who had been involved in the strike were at the assembly. Meghan described the women as having “the strength to really stand up for something that they knew needed to be done.” 

At one point during her speech, the Duchess invited a young man from the audience to come up and share what he thought the importance of International Women’s Day was, leading to a number of enthusiastic hands going up. 16-year-old Aker Okoye was called up to the stage, chuckling over the mic with, “She’s beautiful, innit?” The sophomore student went on to say that International Women’s Day was not just about women, but also the men who need to play a role in achieving equality.

A clearly impressed Meghan added that, “In many societies, it doesn’t matter where you are, it’s very easy to sometimes compartmentalize or silo this idea of International Women’s Day solely being about women—but it’s not—it’s about all of us.”

The Duchess also told the young men “to continue to value and appreciate the women in your lives, and also set the example for some men who are not seeing it that same way. You have your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, friends in your life—protect them. Make sure that they are feeling valued and safe. Let’s all rally together to make International Women’s Day something that is not just on Sunday—but frankly, feels like every day of the year.”

Meghan’s words certainly hit a chord with the males in attendance as they enthusiastically joined her and their fellow female students in doing the  #EachforEqual pose for a photo. 

Prior to the assembly, the Duchess toured the school visiting classrooms and the library where she met with students working on International Women’s Day projects. She also spoke with students from the Debate Society who are preparing for a competition focusing on women’s rights and inequality.

The school visit was Meghan’s final royal solo event before she and husband Prince Harry step back as senior working members of the royal family on March 31. 

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Stephanie is the founder and Executive Producer of RCR News Media, Panic Afterwards Productions, and Mingle Media TV Network (MMTVN), an online media and digital entertainment company, an interactive media digital entertainment destination featuring entertainment news, celebrity interviews along with Movie and Television news. MMTVN is also a YouTube partner, with a channel in the top 1% of viewership. Stephanie is also a voting member of the Television Academy in the Interactive Media and Producers Peer group, a member of the New Mexico Women in Film as well as a voting member of Film Independent (Spirit Awards).