Arkade, a gaming peripheral manufacturer that makes epic gaming gear, and PewDiePie today announced the Indiegogo campaign for the upcoming Arkade Motion Blaster. What is a motion blaster you ask?

Arkade®, a gaming peripheral manufacturer that makes epic gaming gear, today announced the launch of an Indiegogo campaign for the upcoming Arkade Motion Blaster, a handheld blaster that catapults players’ favorite PC and mobile games to a whole new level with non-stop 360-degree point and shoot action. Players simply clip their iOS or Android phone into the Arkade Motion Blaster and connect to their favorite PC or mobile games for heart-pounding point-and-shoot gameplay in hundreds of games including nearly all of today’s top titles. The Indiegogo campaign launches today and will run through April 24.

“The Arkade Blaster is really epic and I don’t use that term lightly. It makes me feel like John Wick when I use it – nothing but headshots, baby!” said Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie. “Don’t call yourself a gamer unless you have an Arkade Blaster.”

The Arkade Motion Blaster and Arkade App let gamers experience an unprecedented level of immersive gameplay in hundreds of top PC games, such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Halo, Rainbow Six, Counter Strike, PUBG and Fortnite. The device works with Steam games through Steam Link. The motion controller also works with Nvidia’s cloud gaming service, GeForce Now, allowing players to stream high-quality PC games directly over the internet. The Arkade Motion Blaster offers native support for more than 40 of the top first-person shooter games on Android. The Arkade Motion Blaster has support from mobile publishers including Gameloft and MADFINGER Games.

-Arkade Press Release

The Arkade Motion Blaster can stream gameplay directly to Twitch and YouTube with the touch of a button on the Blaster, through the Arkade App. The Arkade Motion Blaster has two distinct gameplay modes. In 360-Mode, users stand up and get into the action. 180-mode allows users to keep the action in front of them when playing while sitting down.

When it comes out of the crowdfunding stage, the Arkade Motion Blaster will retail for $99 and be offered in multiple colors and designs, including a special PewDiePie edition.