Today during Ubisoft Forward, Massive Entertainment showed off new footage from the upcoming open world adventure game Star Wars Outlaws. During early footage the game’s vibe compared to the Sony franchise Uncharted, but from what we’ve see today there’s a melting pot of influences in this game from Splinter Cell stealth to Red Dead Redemption shooting. Check out the footage below:

During an extended look, we see the game’s lead character Kay Vess infiltrates Hutt territory to see info on a wanted gunslinger. She uses her companion Nix to skulk around the desert town and take down enemies while remaining unseen. Once she’s spotted the game opens up into a blaster fight layered with everything Star Wars fans expect. The premise of the game takes place between episodes 5&6 as we join Kay on her journey to escape the empire and begin a new life. Outlaws is the first big Star Wars title to come out of the end of the previous exclusivity deal with EA and it appears the massive Ubisoft studio is taking a more story first approach to utilizing the Star Wars license.

Star Wars Outlaws launches on August 30 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC