THE TITAN GAMES -- Season: 2 -- Pictured: Dwayne Johnson -- (Photo by: Art Streiber/NBC)

The most electrifying man in entertainment, Dwayne Johnson took to his twitter to acknowledge the pain and suffering going on in the country and called for leadership to answer the cries from protesters not only demanding justice for the murder of George Floyd but an end to police brutality. Watch the video below.

Powerful words from someone who truly belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame (unlike a certain president in the HOF). The Rock joins the growing army of celebrities utilizing their platforms to push the Black Lives Matter movement and call for change. Yesterday, LEGO announced they would be donating $4 million to organizations working for racial equality and pulling any of their products that featured police officers. Recently, ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s put out a statement calling for the end of white supremacy.

As of writing this, Dwayne Johnson’s video has over 2 million views.

If you are looking for more information racial equality education, where to donate for bail funds, or legal rights of protesters; you’ll find it all at this link.