Now Filming in New Mexico Behind the Yellow House

The New Mexico Film Office announced an intended television series Behind the Yellow House produced by Velvet Yard Productions, LLC has begun production in Belen, New Mexico. 

The production will employ approximately 35 New Mexico crew members, 6 New Mexico principal actors including, Beth Bailey, Marie Wagenman, Jodi Lynn Thomas, Taylor Rodriguez, Brendan Fehr and Angela Wilson and 20 New Mexico background talent.

Behind the Yellow House is packed with not only a story that explores the tale of growing up in New Mexico, but is also being shot in Belen, New Mexico, and employing a number of New Mexican’s. We welcome the production team of Behind the Yellow House to our beautiful state,” said Amber Dodson, Director, New Mexico Film Office.  

Behind the Yellow House follows young Maggie who is being raised in the mountains of New Mexico by a dysfunctional family. When faced with her predestined future, Maggie realizes the choice is not hers.  

Behind the Yellow House is directed by Joel Vallie (Beautiful Prison), produced by Terry Futschik and Brendan Fehr as Executive Producers. New Mexico was chosen for this production because of the availability of the incredible cast and crew located within the state and the film friendly tax incentives. But we must add, New Mexico’s landscape brings such value to any film being shot in the state,” said Terry Futschik, Producer, Behind the Yellow House.